Vanitha acts as a doctor, gives chocolate to Harini that makes her fall asleep, and tries to kidnap Ram from the hospital, but fails once Chitradevi and Sumithra arrive. Charan is sent to jail, and Banumathi plans to send a divorce notice to Kalpana without Charan’s knowledge. Chitradevi goes to Vanitha’s house and forcibly brings Ram to the hospital for treatment, but Ram manages to escape with the help of Vanitha. He switches off Banumathi’s mobile phone when he sees Seetha is trying to call her many times to explain what happened to Priya.

Kalpana decides to commit suicide after learning this, and Charan meets with Kalpana to clear the misunderstanding. While at the hospital, Ram recovers and recognizes Seetha and Deibam. Once Priya regains consciousness, she realizes that Vanitha is the one involved in this matter, and tries to escape from them to get help from the police, but is blocked by Vanitha and Ragu. Vanitha conspires with the tgangai, and stops the lift for a half-hour, so that she is with Ram. After a few weeks, Charan is bailed out, and Banumathi finds a thangau match for Charan. Seetha sees Ragu’s car outside of the temple, asks Ravi to come, and calls the police. Once Seetha gets the phone, she runs away from the house, and Charan enters. Vanitha calls the police to arrest Seetha. Chitradevi feeds payasam to Ram due to his birthday. Deivam Thandha En Thangai was a Tamil -dubbed serial. They are caught by Chitradevi, Seetha and the whole family. The plot revolves around cousins Seetha and Priya, who married into the Chakravarthy family. Vanitha, who realizes the disappearance of Ram, doubts Seetha, and goes to her house to search for Ram. Seetha knows that Priya went out with Ragu by attending Ragu’s call, and she warns Priya of Ragu’s character. Please tell your friends and family to visit Tamilo. It aired weekly, Monday through Friday, at 7: Once he knows she is cheating, Ram asks Vanitha to come to his office terrace, and they argue. Dheivam thantha en thangai for Fans Thiny p. June Learn how and when to remove this template message.